Sunday, November 27, 2016

Terrepockie Correlations

October 16, 2016 First decent, a lot of rain had fallen the day before but nothing overnight

we called it a medium/med-low, Kanaka was flowing at 4.2 at 10am, went up to 5 by noon and back down to 4.8 by 4pm (when we took off). We did not notice any considerable change in level as we were on it, although we were under the suspicion that it had gone up since it had started to rain a little as we came down.

November 4, 2016 second attempt, seemed too high and did not paddle rained heavily overnight 15-20mm, we arrived and checked level, it was 2/3 of the way up the yellow, after an hour of faffing around we came back down and checked again, and it had dropped to 1/2 way down the green or approx 14-16"
 when we made the attempt kanaka had dropped from 37.5cms at 6am to 17.5cms at noon.